Mr. Roboto
So, my 10 year old son often likes to drop spiritual bombs on me right around 8:00 p.m. What is happening around that time? Preparations for bed of course. So what better time to bring out the big guns than right before bedtime because he knows he can expect at least a short conversation to occur. A few nights ago, we were just getting home from sports practices and piano lessons and he was under strict instruction to take a quick shower and then get his book for nightly reading when... BOOM! "Mom, why didn't God just kill the snake if He knew it was Satan and that Adam and Eve would sin? Why doesn't He just get rid of Satan all together so we can all live perfectly and be happy all the time?" Now I have heard variations of this same question from both of my children at times, but this time the question was thought out and very specific. Why didn't He just kill that darn snake before Adam and Eve could even be temped by it? As I did my best to answer fully ...